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Sleep talking, formally known as somniloquy, is a sleep disorder defined as talking during sleep without being aware of it.

Sleep talking can involve complicated dialogues or monologues, complete gibberish or mumbling. The good news is that for most people it is a rare and short-lived occurrence. Anyone can experience sleep talking, but the condition is more Adult sleep talking walking in males and children.

Sleep-talkers are not typically aware of their behaviors or speech; therefore their voices and the type of language they use may sound different from their wakeful speech. Sleep talking may be spontaneous or induced by conversation with the sleeper. Little is known about the content of the Adult sleep talking walking talking: some talking makes no sense at all and some of it may relate to past events, experiences, and relationships that no longer have current relevance or emotional impact.

Modern sleep science and the law accept that sleep talking is not a product of a conscious or rational mind and is therefore usually inadmissible in court. Although not physically harmful, sleep talking can cause embarrassment and can annoy a bed partner, roommate, or be disruptive in group-sleeping situations. In many instances sleep talking runs in families, although external factors seem to stimulate the behavior.

In rare cases, adult-onset frequent Adult sleep talking walking is associated with a psychiatric disorder or nocturnal seizures. Sleep talking associated with mental or medical illness occurs more commonly in persons over 25 years of age. Sleep talking can occur during any stage of sleep. The lighter the sleep, the more intelligible the speech: in stages 1 and 2, people may have entire conversations while in stages 3 and 4, speech may be restricted to moans and gibberish.

Symptoms can vary in severity and duration. In addition to speech or utterances during sleep, other symptoms of sleep talking may include:. In general, no treatment is necessary. However, if sleep talking is severe or persists over a long period of time, talk to your physician or health care provider about the problem. There may be an underlying medical explanation for your sleep talking e. Certain measures can be taken to reduce the likelihood of a sleep talking episode. Following regular sleep schedule, getting adequate amounts of sleep, and practicing proper sleep hygiene can help reduce the frequency and severity of sleep talking.

Also refrain from alcohol, heavy meals, and excessive amounts of stress to reduce sleep talking. Abnormal Sleep Behavior Disorders. Sleep Talking. Home Sleep Topics Sleep Talking. Duration Criteria Adult sleep talking walking 1 month or less. Subacute: More than 1 month but less Adult sleep talking walking 1 year. Chronic: 1 year or longer. For bed partners and roommates, earplugs or white noise such as a fan may help.

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Sleep Apnea. Sleep Apnea is a sleep disorder in which Adult sleep talking walking is briefly and repeatedly interrupted during sleep. Learn how to cope with this sleep-related breathing disorder. For most people, dreaming is purely a "mental" activity: dreams occur in the mind while the body is at rest Nocturia or Frequent Urination Plus size women nude hd Night.

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Many adults assume that if they spend eight hours in bed, they are meeting their daily needs for rest and

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