
Breast cancer is more common in older adults. By age 60, a woman has a 1 in 28 chance of receiving this diagnosis. Although the odds are much lower for younger women, they can and do get breast cancer. More than 13, women ages 40 or under will be diagnosed this year. This means that they have more breast Breast cancer young woman than fat tissue. You may be more likely to get Breast cancer young woman with breast cancer at an early age if you have a Breast cancer young woman, sister, or another close family member who was diagnosed with breast cancer before age Experts link these mutations to an increased risk for breast and ovarian cancers.

Breast cancers that arise from BRCA mutations are more likely to start early and to be more aggressive. Treatment with radiation to the chest or breast as a child or teenager can also increase your risk. Younger women are more likely to have higher grade and hormone receptor-negative breast cancers. Higher-grade tumors look very different from normal cells. They divide quickly and are more likely to spread. They often respond well to treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation, which destroy quickly Breast cancer young woman cells.

Hormone receptor-negative cancers tend to grow more quickly than hormone receptor-positive cancers. It also has lower survival rates. Your doctor will help you choose the most effective breast cancer treatment based on the type, stage, and grade of your tumor. Treatments are generally the same for women of all ages, but a few exceptions exist. These drugs treat estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer by blocking the enzyme aromatase. Aromatase converts the hormone androgen into estrogen.

This means that aromatase inhibitors will only work if you also take medicine to stop your ovaries from making estrogen. If medically feasible, you may opt for a more conservative surgery, such as a lumpectomy.

This removes the tumor but keeps the breast intact. Chemotherapy, radiation, or both are usually necessary after a lumpectomy. Breast cancer young woman you need to have a mastectomy, which removes the whole breast, you can ask your Breast cancer young woman to preserve your nipple.

If you plan to have plastic surgery afterward to reconstruct your breast, this can enable your plastic surgeon to create a more natural looking breast. In your 20s, 30s, Shay laren pussy ass even early 40s, you may be thinking about starting a family or adding to an existing one.

Breast cancer treatment can affect your fertility. Both chemotherapy and radiation can damage cells in your Breast cancer young woman that produce healthy eggs.

This damage can make it harder for you to get pregnant. Hormone therapies such as tamoxifen can make your periods come less often or stop entirely. This can also stop you from getting pregnant. Sometimes, the damage to your fertility is temporary. You may be able to get pregnant after your treatment ends. In other cases, this damage is permanent. Some breast cancer treatments affect your desire to have sex.

They can dampen your sex drive or make you feel too nauseous or tired to be intimate. Having cancer can be so emotionally overwhelming that you find it hard to connect with your partner physically. If you know you want to have a family, talk to a fertility specialist about your options before starting treatment. You can also take a drug such as leuprolide Lupron or goserelin Zoladex.

These drugs shut down your ovaries during chemotherapy treatment to protect them from damage. The general outlook for those with breast cancer has improved dramatically in the last few decades. The five-year survival rate when this cancer is diagnosed in its earliest stages is percent. When the cancer is diagnosed at stage 3, this rate is 72 percent. Clinical trials are testing out new treatments that could one day improve survival odds even more.

Learn all you can about your cancer so you can make informed choices about your treatment. Ask your doctor how your age may affect your treatment options and the impact they may have.

Seek help when you need it. See a counselor to discuss the emotional impact of your diagnosis. Visit a fertility specialist to talk about your reproductive options. Friends and family members can help you get through your diagnosis and treatment. Support can take many forms whether in-person, on the phone or Breast cancer young woman. Metastatic breast cancer blogger Sarah hosts this Resource Roundup.

Learn more about…. Learn the Breast cancer young woman and risk of breast cancer while breastfeeding, plus how this condition is treated safely in lactating women.

Breast cancer is rare during pregnancy, but there are treatment options if you develop it. Risk factors to consider. Which types of breast cancer are young women prone to getting? How does your age affect treatment? How does your age affect fertility? What you can Breast cancer young woman now. Read this next. Your Metastatic Breast Cancer Community Support can take many forms whether in-person, on the phone or online.

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