
I happen Lesbian group shower video believe that all shower sex is pretty awkward, but some shower sex blows other shower sex experiences out of the Lesbian group shower video. We were getting Lesbian group shower video early that morning and decided to shower together for the first time.

I decided to go down on her, and after a few seconds, my girlfriend started to faint. As in, she had to lie down on the shower floor for a while. The best part was later on, when she mentioned to her mother that she almost fainted in the shower, her mother asked if she had eaten this morning. I answered for her, saying, 'No, but I did. Since that didn't work, we moved things out to the car in the army reserve parking lot. This was before Don't Ask Don't Tell was repealed and all of a sudden, one of her friends pounds on the window and scares the shit out of us.

We both thought it was going to be someone military. I think she Lesbian group shower video me so hard I started my period! It was awkward for a good 30 seconds until we realized we were in the shower and at least it was easy cleanup, and then we just went right back at it. I grabbed her to steady her, thinking she'd slipped on some soap, but then she turned around, laughing, a little breathless, and we continued kissing for a moment before she slipped again.

This time I realized something was up. It turns out she had been really lightheaded getting into the shower to begin with, and the heat and steam had actually caused her to faint right there, in my arms. Both of us were super slippery, so it was nearly impossible for me to carry her out of the shower so I could lay her down to regain the blood flow to her head. She Bleach ichigo yaoi sex up in about three seconds after being out cold and started laughing, presumably Lesbian group shower video my facial expression, which I'm sure reflected pure horror.

Then after sitting up, my girlfriend decided against my warning to stand up, thinking she was completely fine, and she promptly slammed her head into the bottom of our metal towel rack. I told my mom the story later she's a doctor and I wanted to make sure my girlfriend would be OK and she thought it Lesbian group shower video hilarious.

I was going down on her in the shower and ending up choking on a mouthful of water, spluttering all over her and cracking my elbow off the tiled wall in the panic of it all! Thankfully the elbow injury wasn't bad Lesbian group shower video to prevent further use of my arm!

We almost fell because of that stupid cat and because the valley of the tub was too sharp. After our treatments, we all hit the showers. When we saw her mom's feet leave her shower stall and head back to the locker room, my girlfriend joined me in my shower.

We were right in the thick of it when we heard, 'Are you girls coming? Unfortunately, we both said, 'Just a minute,' at the same time. I'm sure she figured out what was up because I have never heard faster footsteps as she made a very quick exit. I had never done it before so I was excited.

At first, things were going great! We were doing it against the wall, water running down my back, but when I was kissing her I felt something running down my cheek. I stopped kissing her and saw that she had a runny nose and there was a lot of mucus all over her face. I didn't know what to do and she asked me why I stopped. Basically, the mood was already ruined Lesbian group shower video me, but I didn't want her to feel embarrassed, so I just shoved her under the running water and said she should shower without me 'cause I had a cramp, and then I left the shower.

She was so mad at me. Follow Lane on Twitter and Instagram. Type keyword s to search. Today's Top Stories. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Aww, Hannah B. The Confusing State of 'Queerbaiting' in

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