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The debate over marriage in American society and the fears expressed by some conservatives that allowing diversity will somehow destroy the institution of marriage is ever evolving.

While there appears to be some who feel that there is only one kind of marriage, in reality there are many options regarding marriage.

Traditional Native American marriage is one of the unique types that is interesting to explore. First, however, a caution: at the beginning of the European invasion there were several hundred Native american nude sex couples and distinct Indian cultures, Native american nude sex couples with their Teen tiffany red black view of marriage.

This article discusses Indian marriage in very broad terms and we realize that there are many exceptions to some of the generalizations. In American society, part of the discussion about marriage is really about sex. While sex was a part of traditional Native American marriage, marriage was not about sex.

Prior to marriage, young people were expected to engage in sexual activities. Sex was not confined to marriage. The Native american nude sex couples, and particularly the missionaries, had a great deal of difficulty in understanding that women had power in Indian society and that they had the right to sexual freedom.

Indian societies were not organized on the Native american nude sex couples, monogamous norms of European society. Christian missionaries were deeply shocked and offended by the fact that Indian women were allowed to express their sexuality. At the same time, many of the European men were delighted by this. Among some contemporary American commentators, there is a view that there are only two genders: male and female. They viewed gender and sexuality as a continuum.

There was a recognition of the feminine and masculine in all people. There were Native american nude sex couples traditional societies male and female homosexuals and transvestites who played important spiritual and ceremonial roles. These individuals were seen as being an important part of the community. Traditional Native American cultures tended to be egalitarian: all people were equal. This is one of the things that bothered many of the early Christian missionaries, particularly the Jesuits in New France, as they viewed marriage as a relationship in which the woman subjugated herself to the man.

In Indian marriages, men and women were equals. Polygyny - the marriage of one man to more than one woman at the same time - was fairly common throughout North America. In some cases, a man would marry sisters — a practice that anthropologists call sororal polygyny.

In general, sisters tended to get along better than unrelated co-wives as sisters usually did not fight. Among many of the tribes, wife exchange was practiced. One man might become infatuated with the wife of another and propose an exchange. If this was agreeable, the two men would exchange wives from time to time.

Among the Lakota Sioux, for example, two men who have pledged devotion to each other may express this relationship by marrying Native american nude sex couples and by exchanging wives on certain occasions. Among the Pawnee, brothers sometimes shared wives.

It was not uncommon for two or more brothers to set up a joint household, sharing their wives and their property. Polyandry — the marriage of one woman to more than one man at the same time — was found among many of the tribes. This practice was often not recognized by Europeans, including many ethnographers, as it seemed alien to them. The Pawnee, for example, practiced a form of temporary polyandry. He would continue having sex with her until he married.

For a period of four or five years the young man, and perhaps his brothers as well, would be a junior husband Slowly pushed into her anal this woman, creating a temporary state of polyandry.

Polyandry also occurred as a form of an anticipatory levirate. Among the Comanche, for example, when a man died his wife would become the wife of his brother. Anticipating this practice, a man would allow his brother s to have sexual access to his wife.

This was seen as symbolic of the brotherhood bond. In Indian cultures, marriage was neither religious nor civil. There was Native american nude sex couples no religious ceremony involved, only a public recognition of the fact of marriage. In most cases, there was no formal ceremony: the couple simply Native american nude sex couples living together. In most Native American cultures, nearly all adults were married, yet marriage was not seen as permanent.

It was recognized Native american nude sex couples people would be together in a married state for a while and then separate. Divorce was accomplished easily since the couple did not own property in common. Each partner simply picked up his or her personal property and left. Divorce was neither a civil nor a religious concern - this was a private matter among the people involved. Again, the Christian missionaries were shocked by the ease with which Indian couples divorced. They were also offended by the idea that divorce could be easily initiated by the woman.

While some American commentators bemoan the negative impact of divorce upon children, in Native cultures each child had many fathers, many mothers, Native american nude sex couples many siblings. A child was not property but a member of a large family and thus had rights.

Since divorce Native american nude sex couples accepted and the raising of the child was the responsibility of many relatives, not just the biological mother and father, divorce does not appear to have had negative impact on the children. All rights reserved. Legal Disclaimer Farmington, New Mexico Source: Ojibwa, October 4,

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