
3 thought on “Accidental orgasm video funny

  1. Thanks for the lovely pics, you re lovely. i m not a young man any longer so my lust is now concentrated on more mature women. wow, i d become a lesbian for you! x

  2. You sound like you are too good to be true but i have to say we like the same kinky shit i d love to hear your stories experiences

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At the time I had no idea what had happened, just that it felt amazing. I tried to make it happen again for weeks. I then had an orgasm and fell of my chair. Best part was that the sneezes were snotty so there I was halfway on the floor having an orgasm with snot on my hand. I was 19 and felt so naughty at the time. Accidental orgasm video funny was horrifying. I was on the equestrian team in high school and running my horse through some easy jumps and he got a little spooked by something and sped way up for a second.

Accidental orgasm video funny, something in the rhythm change made me rub a certain way and suddenly I was hanging on for dear life as I had the weirdest orgasm ever.

We were basically in private and Bleeding hemorrhoids with anal sex was my bestie.

I thought it was hilarious more than anything. I was 7. So, I forced this coughing fit to try to cover up the orgasm. Thankfully my studio is super chill.

The teacher actually laughed and clapped and then other students started laughing and clapping. It was actually pretty awesome. I was determined to have the strongest vag in the world and so I went in really intensely did tons of them every day for a few days. It was like eating a delicious piece of fruit with your head hanging over a full trash can. I was twelve. I went to church camp every summer and they had a high ropes Accidental orgasm video funny there that required you to wear a harness.

She managed to keep us from wrecking but when we came to a stop I had this kind of moaning death grip on Accidental orgasm video funny. So, my first orgasm was scary in two ways. Unfortunately, I tend to pee a little bit when I have an orgasm sometimes so I sprinted into the locker room. No one really noticed but it was one of the more confusing experiences of my life.

It was the kind that you had to wait like a half hour in line to get to go down. Well, my turn arrives and I head down the slide Accidental orgasm video funny my legs slightly apart for balance and all this water is just rushing up and up and up and within seconds I was Accidental orgasm video funny this leg shaking orgasm.

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