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Thanks for connecting! You're almost done. Connect to your existing Cracked account if you have Adult diaper picture wearing or create a new Cracked username. If you've seen photos or videos of grown-ups wearing diapers, it probably means you've made your Adult diaper picture wearing to the "weird sex fetish" corner of the internet -- which, incidentally, makes up 70 percent of its mass.

But contrary to what you probably thought, those people didn't merely slap on those diapers to make some porn. There are "adult babies" who dress like babies, act like babies, and joyfully shit themselves like babies. And no, it's not just to give you something freaky to masturbate to. We spoke to several of these people using fake names to find out what the hell is going on.

They told us The easy assumption for a novice would be that this is some borderline-pedophile shit. So these weirdos get turned on by kids, and therefore get turned on Adult diaper picture wearing anything associated with kids, right?

Even if it's being worn by a year-old hairy dude on a fetish site? Well, the ones we talked to went into great detail about why that's not the case. Another source, Res, jokes, Adult diaper picture wearing we see a kid in a diaper, we don't get lustful -- we get jealous. In fact, while there are numerous people jerking off to pics of diaper-clad adult ladies right this moment, many adult babies don't "mix [their] peanut butter and chocolate," as Riley puts it though she honestly could have spared us that imagery.

There are relationships involved, but they are, well, complicated. When a person who enjoys acting like a baby and a person who enjoys acting like a parent really love each other, something very special happens. That something special may or may not involve any genital touching beyond the occasional wipe-up, though. Sammy usually won't do anything sexual with her parent figure.

Afterward, it's a big day of relaxation. We often play video games or watch movies together. Recently, we've been watching a bunch of Disney and musical movies. They want to curl up with a blankie and stuffed animal and be Adult diaper picture wearing peace. You know how much braces cost? But otherwise, yes, some "littles" do like to play with the submissive aspects of being a baby. To Cerulean, if he does have sex during little time, it's because he's turned on by the shift in power dynamic.

Certain people are very much true age players. Adult-babying is all about "getting into the head space" -- that is, letting go of one's adult worries and Adult diaper picture wearing regressing back to the free-peeing time in their lives. Putting on the diaper is part of that process, but the act itself is the ultimate catharsis.

While not all adult babies use diapers for their intended purpose, Adult diaper picture wearing one of the most common behaviors among the population. He notes that he won't "mess" baby-talk for "shitting yourself" in public because it's not as easy to hide, "too weird, and hard to clean up.

A lot more care [is required] for vagina-owners, because it's easier for bacteria to get in. According to surveys, the average age at which diaper-wearers begin Adult diaper picture wearing indulge Adult diaper picture wearing is 11 for boys and 12 Adult diaper picture wearing girls.

That makes a bizarre kind of sense. That's old enough to start freaking out about that whole "responsibility" thing, but still young Adult diaper picture wearing to vaguely recall how cool it was not getting up to poop. Everyone we spoke to reported being into diapers for as long as they could remember: Sammy was two, James was six, Riley was around four or five and turning her underwear into diapers by stuffing them with napkins.

My earliest memory of that kind of Adult diaper picture wearing is I had these leftover pull-ups and diapers and sneaking one on in the bathroom to see British amateur sex party it felt, and thinking it felt good, it felt right.

I was probably four to five years old. Of course, getting into a diaper becomes difficult from a purely logistical standpoint once everyone thinks you're out of them. How do you pull this off or up, as the case may be? Do you start sticking up strollers? Yes, actually -- if there Adult diaper picture wearing a baby nearby, they'd steal the diapers.

If there were no babies, they'd have to wait until they were old enough to drive to the store and buy them. Adult diaper picture wearing, the obsessive need to get their sweet Pampers fix meant several of our sources got busted by their parents. Cerulean's parents are hardcore Christians who immediately delivered him to a Jesus shrink. It could be against God. Or maybe the writers of the Bible didn't think Maya rudolph nude tits would come up.

Alright, raise your hand if you've made it to this point in the article and have Adult diaper picture wearing that these How to make your dick grow bigger represent the fall of Western civilization.

If you talk to people who are for example into BDSM, Big red head sex vids we have, you hear them say that the pain is a form of stress relief. Talk to a phone sex operator, and they'll tell you how many customers simply want to work through their emotional issues with a friendly voiceand never get around to the sex talk.

Prostitutes say the same thing -- they end up with clients weeping into their arms, fully clothed. There is a definite trend among people involved in activities society writes off as "weird sex stuff.

Now here's our diaper-wearing source Edward: "My level of autism previously called Asperger's brings visual and auditory sensitivity as well as some social difficulties.

Lights and sounds that wouldn't bother anyone else can be amplified and Adult diaper picture wearing feel like they're trapped in my head and bouncing around, getting louder and louder. I often fail to pick up on a person's body language or the tone they're using for whichever intent, and when I 'fail' at this, I feel horrible James, meanwhile, endured years of speech therapy, not to mention bullying, for an impediment and delay.

As a result, "I felt ostracized as a kid. I feel at peace, I feel protected Best way to describe it: Imagine laying on a beach, and you're like letting the sun soak in. Lying there for hours and hearing the waves. That's almost the same feeling as being a little person.

Sammy, meanwhile, believes that making herself vulnerable gave her the Adult diaper picture wearing to Adult diaper picture wearing out as trans. How did playing baby make her feel? I no longer was worrying about all the adult stuff going on, was completely in that moment.

Kind of set everything in motion for me, thinking maybe I can go deeper, maybe it's OK for me to be younger. Now, we're not scientists, but we're starting to think that where you find somebody practicing "deviant" behavior, you really find someone who developed an unusual stress release valve early Adult diaper picture wearing life, and stuck with it because it works.

And this one may not even be all that unusual. There's a growing body of evidence showing that "play therapy" playing make believe, farting around with toys, etc. They may not be pissing their pants as far as we knowbut it's definitely a thing people want, and which they insist makes them feel better.

And at this stage, we're genuinely wondering what percentage of the population doesn't have a secret Megan vaughn nude pic valve that, if discovered, would make them a prime target for blackmail. Also, follow us on Facebookand we'll be your best friends forever. If you have a story to share with Cracked, please email us here.

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