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He claimed bondwomen did "little hard work" and were "protected from the despotism of their husbands by their masters.

Marrying is the amusement of their life. Since associations were made between promiscuity and reproduction, the desired increase of the slave population seemed to be evidence of the bondwoman's passion.

A slaveowner in northern Mississippi told Fredrick Law Olmsted that slaves "breed faster than white folks, a 'mazin' sight, you know; they begin younger," and, he added, "they don't very often wait to be married. In her remarkable autobiography, Linda Brent, a mulatto female slave, noted, "Slavery is terrible for men; but it is far more terrible for women.

Superadded to the burden common to all, they have wrongs, and sufferings, and mortifications peculiarly their own. Because they were slaves, African-American women were affected by the rule of the patriarch in more ways and to a greater degree than the white women in the Big House. The size of the food allotment, brutal whippings, slave African american women sex slave, and numerous other variables influenced the bondwoman's view of the African american women sex slave. Yet because she was a woman, her view, like that of the white woman, was also gender related.

According to Anne Firor Scott, the most widespread source of discontent among white women centered around their inability "to control their own fertility. This essay will, therefore, deal only with the bondwomen's perspective from the viewpoint of gender, using twentieth-century interviews with female ex-slaves who were at least twelve or thirteen years of age at the time of emancipation.

Of the women in this category,or almost forty percent, made comments of this nature. Likewise, a sample of contemporary testimony for both women and men was used. Compared to the Works Progress Administration narrativescontemporary testimony offers a great deal less evidence of sexual exploitation.

The men outnumber African american women sex slave women even more than in the WPA narratives. When it was profitable to exploit women as if they were men in the work force, slaveholders regarded female slaves, in effect, as genderless. Bondwomen realized African american women sex slave white patriarch had the power to force them to mate with whomever he chose, to reproduce or suffer the consequences, to limit the time spent with their children, and even to sell them and their children.

From the beginning of adolescence, females were subject to their master's desire for them to reproduce because My nude wife big boobs the number of slaves meant profits to him. Intervention in the process of procreation, either through subtle or forceful means, became Project MUSE promotes the creation and dissemination of essential humanities and social science resources through collaboration with libraries, publishers, and scholars worldwide.

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