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For almost three years I seem to have had an almost OCD-like fixation on poop. I forget why, but if I didn't go every day I would be extremely upset about that fact. So I strained to go every day.

But I had almost constant discomfort like I needed to go, and discovered if I sat down and relaxed it would Poping balls out of ass out, even though I didn't feel like I had to go asap. After that, whenever I "thought" I had to go, I would try, usually straining for half an hour or more. The problem was Sean michaels retro porn the poo would snake halfway out, then kind of stop, half hanging; and the more I pushed, the more came out, so I never know when to stop!

I take Metamucil and lots of fiber now, and sometimes it works wonderfully, delivering daily solid poos; but others are extremely loose. But what started as a strange lump is now this: I can physically see intestines or whatever just a big bulge protruding from my anus when I push the poop out. I doubt this is good for me. Sometimes after going poop my anus remains inside out, and Poping balls out of ass I suck in I can feel it flip back to normal.

How do you see something protruding from your anus while pushing out poop? Are you pooping on a mirror? Got a question for her? Ask it here. I am a mother of 4 son 25, twin girls 23, girl I am a flight attendant, certified phlebotomy technician, certified nursing assistant, certified medical assistant, certified apartment manager, and a former school bus driver.

I have been reading poop report for years now and thoroughly enjoy it, as I was unaware that there are Flashing big ass milf many people out there who Poping balls out of ass from the same kinds of malfunctions and mishaps as myself.

Well it all returns to normal afterwards! And it's a tad embarassing to go to a doctor and be like my ass turns inside out. Just wondering if you are indeed a source of valuable information, if maybe you could stop satirizing people's bowel problems and offering sound advice. Isn't this the serious section after all? About 10 years ago we used to hang out with this dude who used to tell us that he had a nasty hemorrhoid. One night we were all drunk and he mooned us; this thing in his ass was so crazy it looked like he had a four inch pink dick growing out of his asshole.

Doniker - I'm pleased you were drunk. If you had been sober that sight might have caused you nightmares. Hey, W, I just approved your comment, which is why it took a bit to show up, even though it was first. First, yes, it is. But, if you take the Poping balls out of ass to read what Motherload says, she's answering in incredulity, not satire. W, we received about posts to approve a week from non-registered people asking for medical advice.

Not alot of them are approved because the answer to their posts is often above in the thread or page Poping balls out of ass which they are waiting for approval. I don't feel Motherload was out of line in taking a light or shocked tone that you'd ask for help if you indeed thought your intestine was falling out instead of calling your doctor. Think about what you've asked. You've asked if a body part that's normally inside could be hanging Naked girls very sexy, and you took the time to write to a web site mostly dedicated to intellectual poop humor although we do try to help people instead of asking a medical doctor or calling a medical help line.

We are greatly aware that there is a butt stigma involved here; no one wants to go to the doctor when it involves such a taboo subject. We field questions daily such as:. Some of these questions are so serious that we sit here, moderators of the front Poping balls out of ass, and scratch our heads, wondering, how we can truly send the information back to this person fast enough.

Sometimes an unapproved comment will sit for a couple of hours if no front page mods happen to be online. In that meantime, the person bleeding from the rectum could become seriously ill, if indeed his or her injury is that bad.

Because you chose to ask a website that is based on humor for medical advice - even though we do try to be serious and help people - you have to understand that even the correct answer which you received, because what you described could have been serious may be lightly sprinkled with a bit of humor or jocular shock. After all, you've expected Motherload to correctly diagnose your butt unseen, with her only means Poping balls out of ass diagnosis being an email.

Let me ask you this - if a part of your nose came out every time you blew your nose, or a piece of flesh came out of your eye when you sneezed, would you have chosen to sit at home and ask a group on the internet or would you have called your doctor? If you look at it this way, you may not feel so embarrassed about seeing a proctologist. Remember, you're wouldn't Old lady strap on teen girl the only asshole he'd seen that day.

No pun intended. We're glad that you're alright. In fact, that's what we like to hear. Things like this do Poping balls out of ass though. I have an issue called rectal prolapse, which is literally your rectum coming out a Poping balls out of ass distance. Damn I am glad I never encountered that problem and hope I never will geez. Is there surgery for this type of condition. I can only imagine the discomfort. My Dad had a problem where he had an abscess I assume somewhere in his intestines that got so large it actually started to protrude out his anus.

It actually eventually completely 'blocked it Poping balls out of ass and he had to get it lanced at the hospital. It was probably one of the more disgusting things I have heard of. And the doctor's description of what happened when they lanced literally almost made me pass out.

This one struck me along the same vein as "I just got stabbed in the face with a rusty nail I've had what you describe, and I've been checked by doctors. It's just a hemmorhoid! Poping balls out of ass common, no big deal, when the swelling goes down, it goes back in.

Doc says it's helpful to gently push it back in. Of course, you may have something else going on, but your description sounds just like my minor hemmorhoid problem. I Poping balls out of ass know about you guys, but I would not associate the word Poping balls out of ass with the phrase "after i poop my anus remains outside". There is no fear or shame in seeing a colorectal surgeon. Why suffer? Its not like they have never seen a butt before.

Semi-colon's right. Especially since any decent ass doctor has seen much worse. I'm thinking about all the stories I hear about the strange things people shove up their butts Poping balls out of ass days -- Ghost in the shell hentia of them are urban legends, but there are pretty odd people out there Folks, I thought Motherload's response was very funny The web has so many other sites where they would get a serious response.

I also forget that many people out there do not have the brains to figure out the proper place to go and find real medical information. You Moderators have a strange job with dealing in e-mails that are that serious.

My headband is off to you. I figure if you send something to Dave and it gets posted you have a chance of being entertained. Producing waste since Well let me see My general practitioner fondles my balls while I cough. Knowing what these procedures could detect, life threatening abnormalities, makes them easy to tolerate. Anyone with an inside out asshole should be happy to let a medical professional look at it with no shame.

Based simply on the fact that you say your intestine is hanging out of your ass my professional opinion is that you are being punished by god for Nude girl with kitten terrible sin!! Because only something terrible is punishable by intestines hanging out of assholes.

Just repent immediately and you should be fine. The Scumlette started potty training quite young, at about 9 months. I always said this was too young, but Mrs Scumbag insisted that her own mother started her at about 8 months, but I eventually gave in to pressure. Unfortunately, so did Scumlette's bowels.

Although all was well at first, after she sat on the pot one day and did a poo, we were horrified to discover a purple protrusion like a pair of pouting Mick Jagger lips from her anus which turned out to be her bowel wall turning inside-out. It was seemingly painless and within an hour it had withdrawn back inside so that her little freckle was how it should be. After a doctor's examination it seemed that this was a fairly common thing to happen, but it was certainly alarming. The doc suggested that she not strain at stool which is a difficult thing to convince a baby to do and eventually her bowel wall will strengthen, Poping balls out of ass every now and again the same thing would happen and it kept on happening every couple of months until she was 4.

She'd rush to one of us saying "Mummy! My bottom's come out again! Again, it'd just sort itself out and suck itself back inside. She's not had these problems for two years now and hopefully she won't again as kids are very resiliant, and as she grows, her muscles will strengthen.

However, we're both a little paranoid about this and try to ensure that she eats a very healthy high-fibre diet and doesn't push hard when pooping. But in an adult, it's obviously more serious.

I understand that this sort of thing could develop into a weakness that'll be with you forever without the intervention of surgery to tighten the bowel wall, so I would suggest that W gets a proctologist's opinion as a matter of urgency or he could have serious incontinence problems later in life. Mrs Thunderbutt developed a prolapse giving birth to very large babies. She is a diminutive woman, 4' 10", and had two children that were each well over 9 pounds.

Her gastroenterologist put her on a high fiber diet with metamucil and as long as Poping balls out of ass does no heavy lifting leads a normal life.

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