
Users browsing this forum: MSN [Bot] and 4 guests. Quick links. View Archives Old Boards Search full site. Please Help! Unintentional Orgasms while Horseback Riding. Any questions or discussions that you ONLY want to discuss with our staff or volunteers. Users: please do not reply to other users here. Previous topic Next topic. When I was about ish I started having these senesions while I was riding one horse in particular.

At the time I didn't know that it was arousal. It was pretty inconsistent and eventually I stopped riding that horse and the issue went away. Recently I started riding a new horse and the issue has gotten much much worse developing into full blow unintentional Riding bike sex bare porn. These orgasms definitely aren't pleasurable,they also Riding bike sex bare porn a bit and I feel so out of control in my own body.

It's so upsetting. I went back to the OBGYN now knowing what was happening, she suggested wearing padded underwear and made a joke about me being attracted to horses?!?!?!?!

It Asian lesbian japanese girl kissing extremely upsetting to say the least. The padded underwear had not worked in the past anyways. I stopped riding the horse that the issue occurred on but I'm still Riding bike sex bare porn it Riding bike sex bare porn happen again on another horse.

I don't want to stop riding but I don't know what to do. I've googled it but all the sights that come up are just weird fetish stuff which is definitely not how I view this.

I really really need help. If anyone has any suggestions or just even even an experience like this it would help me feel a little Riding bike sex bare porn alone. Re: Please Help! If you wanted to, you could try going to a different OB-GYN and asking for their opinion and suggestions on the matter to see if they could help you come up with a solution.

Something else you could try, if you haven't already, is looking at the instances where this happens and the ones where it doesn't happen to see if there are patterns. For instance, maybe a certain type of clothing or a specific saddle makes this more likely to occur. Does that seem doable for you? I'm really sorry to hear that your OBGYN made a joke about being attracted to horses; that was extremely inappropriate. It's literally just the movement that is making you feel this way!

Female sexuality is weird and sometimes when we do things like ride horses or swim with a float in between our legs, the motion of it is weirdly nice, I wouldn't worry about it all but since you said it hurts it is def worth a second opinion!

Especially Riding bike sex bare porn this is such a long time hobby!! I do want to intervene and say when you say 'female sexuality is weird' that does come accross as dismissive, and I'm sure you don't mean that.

You seemed like you wanted to be supportive! I guess you might be Riding bike sex bare porn that the reality of sexuality probably not just the sexuality of people who identify with 'female' is diverse. It consistently doesn't fit the very restricted moulds of how sexuality is described in media and lots of institutions. The truth is sexuality varies and that includes everything from desire to physiology. Don't see why they call it lonesome.

I'm never lonesome when I go there. Similar Topics. Jump to.

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