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Share your story. Woman How old are you? In a serious relationship monogamous Religious affiliation : Atheist How religious are you? Mostly heterosexual How many sexual partners have you had in your life including oral sex? What did they look like? How well did you know them, had you hooked up before? How did you feel about them before the hookup? We had known each other 4 or 5 years previously. I met him freshman year of high school. He was tall, thin with long blonde hair and brown eyes. I thought he was cute but so did my best friend at the time and they dated.

One thing led to another, we were in high school and we got in a fight, me, him, my friend, everyone. He went from the skinny long haired musician to a short haired athletic Charmed holly marie combs nude guy.

What led to it? Was planning involved? Who Teen one night stand casual it? We were at a party. I was feeling pretty confident in general. We had Teen one night stand casual flirted before, as far as I was aware he had never even given me a second glance. I touched his thigh. Not in an overtly sexual way, just a light touch. Again, not really with the intention of seduction just flirting for fun. He never said anything or reacted as far as I know. Later, we were playing a card-based drinking game and he calls me out on it.

He gave me a look and I knew at that point he was up for the challenge I had just laid out in front of him. We spent the next few hours on the cusp of horny as hell and not knowing what to do about it and drinking. I went to go get another drink and he came up behind me, put his hand up my shorts and stuck his fingers in my pussy, anyone paying attention could have seen. We drank a Teen one night stand casual more, I went to go barf in the toilet. He walked in on me cleaning up my puke and we started fucking right there on the bathroom floor.

What sexual behaviors took place e. How did you feel during it? How did they behave toward you? Were they a good lover? What did you talk about? How Teen one night stand casual it end? We were not tender, caring lovers. This was years of pent-up aggressive All types of granny pussy, this was hours of teasing and flirting, and it was a surprise. The whole night is pretty much a blur of sex with a few details peppered in.

That was Teen one night stand casual first time someone had talked dirty to me and I thought it was so hot. He was talking cock and pussy and calling me a little slut.

I remember sucking his cock while he ate my pussy. He fingered my ass while he fucked me and then he fucked my ass. It was hot, dirty, rough and sloppy. Neither of us got off that night, we fucked for about 4 hours total. We wound up just giving up and falling Teen one night stand casual in the car we found.

Early the next morning we got up and walked to our cars together. It hurt my feelings so I never called him or anything. How did you feel about it the next day? How do you feel about them now? I believed him about not remembering until at a different party I found myself in a situation between him and his friend.

We all went skinny dipping together and he was trying to get me alone. That was almost 5 years ago. We still see each other regularly due to mutual friends. What precautions did you take to prevent STIs and pregnancy? What were your motives for this hookup? To whom did you talk about the hookup?

How did they react? I told my friends who were also his friendsone being my now boyfriend. They all thought it was pretty random, but had nothing negative to say. Relatively positive. Did your partner get emotionally hurt as a result of this hookup?

What was the BEST thing about this hookup? It was empowering. I felt more confident that night than typical and he had never shown any interest before then. Hot redheads nude girls did that. It also showed me things I like Teen one night stand casual I had not known before. Honestly, I still want to hook up with him. Has this hookup changed the way you think about casual sex, sexuality, or yourself in general?

No, I was into casual sex before. What would you like to see changed in that regard? Casual sex is fun. I had only had casual sex for years, my first and only monogamous sexual relationship started 4 years after I was sexually active.

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