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The Accident- Sonic and Amy's Mistake. Yeah, that's it. Standard Sonic x Amy fanfic here, went back to basics. What Sonic did earlier was truly something I'd often dream of, yet it really became reality. Sonic the Hedgehog not only said that he loved me, but he kissed me right in broad daylight!

I still feel light just thinking about it. Anyway, I wanted my place to look just perfect for when he would Sex sonic and amy later in the evening. It is my philosophy to have a clean home when company is over, especially Sonic.

Although Cream and Cheese are in my apartment sometimes, they also know this. Only took me an hour for everything to be put together and that's when I heard a knock. I opened the door and was greeted by Sonic, carrying a beautiful bouquet and box of chocolates. But I wanted you to get these. However, Cream and Cheese had just walked down and saw Sonic, appropriately tackling him with a friendly embrace.

He threw the flowers and chocolates neatly on a nearby table upon impact. He lightly patted them both on the head as they turned and walked upstairs. It was weird, but somehow amusing, since Sonic couldn't stop laughing when we left. Afterwards, we sat on the dock near the hotel and watched the sun setting. That's when a robot from behind us appeared, brandishing a gun.

Sonic jumped and knocked it out, ready to destroy it when Eggman showed up. The robots are a little bugged. I'm only mad that Eggman interrupted our moment, but he seemed to be telling Sex sonic and amy truth. We reached a beautiful area at the top of the hotel, overlooking the sea. Sonic, this is The view is as beautiful as the rose before my eyes. I was so happy, I could've cried. As we walked down, we saw people standing in front of the T.

Shop, looking intently. We saw Eggman with a really happy expression on his face. I will be not only your president, but also your true friend. I looked at Sonic and saw his surprised expression. Now comes the part when you ask to run for Vice President. You Sex sonic and amy make me a sucker for the system. Nothing more, nothing less. I know there's some Sex sonic and amy why you ran for president, but I don't care!

Aren't you gonna send some robots out to cause problems?! Could he really be serious, Amy? That's not why we're here. Let's get outta here. Sex sonic and amy whole city seemed to embrace Eggman as the new president, as his image was placed in some places. A new statue was built in front of Sex sonic and amy hotel and many broken buildings were being fixed up.

Either he's plotting something really Sex sonic and amy, or he's serious. It turned out to be Knuckles. Saw the election results, I see. But there's nothing I can do now. See ya. That's when we saw a white blur flying after him. Are you guys here!? I don't hear anything. We both saw a note on the desk near the door. Amy, we've gone home because Mom wanted us. We'll see you later! Are you hungry? Thank you, though. I looked over and saw him pull out a cell phone.

How the hell did you get my number?! The phone book He must Angalina jolie nude video desperate. Oh yeah, here's my cell number. Afterwards, I turned on something on t. One of my early day stories was on, so I turned to that. It was about nine in the evening now Indian new naked girls I was about ready to sleep.

Let's go upstairs. When he saw my bedroom, he seemed really surprised. Your decorating touch never ceases to amaze me.

I'll be out in a sec. Sex sonic and amy was in for one night that he'd never forget. I sat on Amy's bed, thinking of what Eggman might be doing. What if he really did go good? What if he's given up trying to catch me? These thoughts circulated my mind for some time until I thought of something else. Maybe it is all just a trick. I guess either way, I'd have Sex sonic and amy simply deal with it.

I can't make Eggman return to his antics, so that's that. I saw Amy's door opening and she walked out with a red bathrobe. Really classy looking, I'd have Teen slut self shot say.

Sure, it's okay by me. When she opened and dropped her bathrobe, I thought more clearly and wasn't too confident in my Sex sonic and amy choice. I'm really looking at Amy's bare form, a strange feeling came over me. She kissed me deeply as she pushed me onto my back. It is a Sex sonic and amy feeling that I have, feeling Amy on my body. I can't clearly describe it, but it does feel good. That's when I break from our kiss to tell her what was on my mind.

I mean, I'm not prepared and I almost Sex sonic and amy. Her heated body against my own is a unique feeling that I grasp, unable to fully describe. She Sex sonic and amy with me and I was with her, our feelings combined into a whole different level of existance. We slept shortly after our romantic moment, her light breathing hitting me as she rests her head on my chest. I stroke her head as I look out at the glaring moon, it's pale light truly Sex sonic and amy nice sight.

At this point, I start falling asleep and then Believe that, along with a strange meeting between Sonic and Eggman. Story Story Writer Forum Community. Games Sonic the Hedgehog. I've gone back to the basic Sonic x Amy pairing. Sonic and Amy get together and this story shows the events that occur in their relationship. Rated M or MA of sex and language. Chap 21 finally up now! We Finally Came Together 2. Our First Night Together 3. Our True First Time 4.

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