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Their audition tape showed them outside the Mormon temple in Provo, Utah, while the narration played off American idol reality tv stars nude classic Mormon ads "Family: Isn't it about time? Since then Mormons have colonized reality TV as if they'd been assigned there by Brigham Young himself. And they're closing in on the biggest reality TV prize of all: cherub-faced Mormon David Archuleta is one of four finalists left on "American American idol reality tv stars nude and his chances just soared following the elimination last week of Brooke White.

White is Mormon too, and now that she's off the show, the two of them won't have to split the faithful's vote anymore. Wholesome, likable Mormon competitors are now so plentiful that some viewers have taken to playing Spot the Mormon. Former "Idol" contestant Carmen Rasmusen, herself a Mormon, says one of this season's early episodes American idol reality tv stars nude off her Mormon radar when she heard White tell the judges she'd never seen an R-rated movie.

That cultural disconnect is obviously part of the attraction for viewers and casting directors alike. Take the strange spectacle last month of a beautiful young Mormon woman—the "Idaho virgin," as she came to be known—sucking the toes of the eligible bachelor on MTV's racy "That's Amore! But for Mormon contestants themselves, the motivation is more complex, whether it's testing the limits of their religion, showing America that Mormons aren't the insular community they're often perceived to be, or the one that crosses all denominations: the hunger for fame.

In reality TV terms, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is in a sweet spot demographically: still small enough that members get excited to see one of their own in the spotlight, but large enough that when they watch together and vote they can affect results and ratings. Mormons reserve Monday nights for Family Home Evening, and when Marie Osmond competed on the family-friendly "Dancing With the Stars" last year, American idol reality tv stars nude benefited from having the voting fall on a Monday each week.

In fact, all three Mormon contestants made it to the final four that season. While "Idol" votes on Tuesday, some Mormons around the country still get together for viewing parties and pour in the votes after each show. Mormons don't do well only on shows where the audience votes.

But reality TV success sometimes comes at a price. The first Mormon reality contestant—and still one of the most memorable—was Julie Stoffer, plucked from Brigham Young University in by "Real World" casting directors on a mission to find a faithful Mormon for the show. Before filming began, Stoffer even received a blessing from her bishop that she would be "an example to the world.

I said things that were wrong sometimes. I was human," Stoffer says. And Todd Herzog didn't exactly receive the approval of the Mormon community either. Herzog went on to win the million-dollar prize and says that while he hopes he opened people's eyes about the church, he also hopes he opened some Mormons' eyes about the real world. Some tension may still exist between the Mormon community and mainstream America, but considering that earlier in this country's history Mormons were a small, persecuted band, it's remarkable that America may now be poised to crown a Mormon as its new "Idol.

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