
1 thought on “How to flatten a hypertrophic facial scar

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A hypertrophic scar is a thickened, wide, often raised scar that develops where skin is injured. Scars are common during the wound healing process, but a hypertrophic scar is a Dish network adult channel of an abnormal response to a trauma or injury. In certain How to flatten a hypertrophic facial scar, body cells called myofibroblasts produce too much collagen during healing.

More commonly, overproduction of collagen occurs when a wound is infected or inflamed, under a great deal of tension or motion such as in injuries over a jointor left to heal without stitches. The scars are a frequent complication of burn injuries, but can also form after piercings, cuts, or even acne. They can be itchy and painful, but more often are simply a cosmetic issue.

Some people seek treatment to minimize the appearance of the scar. Your doctor may recommend one or several of these treatments to help flatten and shrink your scar. In that time, your body is remodeling and trying to improve the scar tissue How to flatten a hypertrophic facial scar its own. Most doctors will therefore not treat an early hypertrophic scar. Corticosteroid treatments: Corticosteroid injections are considered a first-line treatment for hypertrophic scars. Injecting a steroid into the scar every six weeks may help flatten and soften the scar.

Laser therapy: Laser therapy is more effective in newly formed scars than in older scars. The lasers work by burning and flattening elevated scars. They also target the red and pink pigments in the scars to lighten them. Bleomycin: Bleomycin is a metabolite of a strain of soil bacteria. It may help improve the scars appearance and relieve itching and pain. More clinical trials are needed to confirm its efficacy.

Cryotherapy: In cryotherapy, a doctor or dermatologist freezes How to flatten a hypertrophic facial scar scar tissue with liquid nitrogen to help flatten it. Cryotherapy has been shown to be successful, safe, nontoxic, and well-tolerated in a number of small studies. Surgery: After waiting at least a year, a hypertrophic scar can be excised, or cut out, and closed again with stitches. This treatment tries to re-heal the injury while eliminating the issues that may have caused the scar in the first place, such as infection, inflammation, How to flatten a hypertrophic facial scar tension.

Silicone sheets: Silicone elastomer sheets are noninvasive and can be applied as soon the skin heals after an injury. Many silicone products are available, including sheets, gels, sprays, and foams.

Many are available over the counter OTC. A sheet must be worn over the scar for 12 to 24 hours per day for 2 to 3 months.

You have to apply the gel multiple times per day. Pressure and massage: One of the cheapest and most effective ways to help heal the scar is to apply pressure and massage to the area. You can use bandages or How to flatten a hypertrophic facial scar to apply pressure. Over time, it can help weaken How to flatten a hypertrophic facial scar scar tissue and improve the appearance of the scar.

Onion extract creams: Another OTC option is a topical gel made of onion extract. This product is commonly marketed as Mederma. However, limited clinical data shows its effectiveness in reducing the appearance of hypertrophic scars.

Bio Oil: Bio Oil is marketed as a treatment for all different types of scars. It can be purchased at many beauty supply stores. Clinical trials for Bio Oil showed positive results. However, the sample sizes were small. More research is needed to confirm that Bio Oil can effectively reduce the appearance of hypertrophic scars. Keloid scars are smooth, hard, benign growths that also form when scar tissue grows excessively.

Both scars tend to occur more commonly in darker skin types. Hypertrophic scars tend to be easier to treat than keloids, which have a high recurrence rate despite treatment. In you experience an injury, especially a burn injury, or if you have surgery, there are ways to help prevent hypertrophic scarring. These include:. One study found that immediately cooling a burn with cold water compresses and applying tea tree oil can help the skin heal better.

This treatment may help prevent hypertrophic scars from forming, but more research needs to be done. A hypertrophic scar can form on a piercing that hasn't healed yet. Hypertrophic scars are thick, raised scars that develop when cells make too much…. Collagen is an essential building block for the entire body, from skin to gut, and more. Here's five changes you may see or feel just by taking more…. You can do a lot of prep work to make the perfect sleep environment. But if that doesn't work, here are six other hacks to try.

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Tenosynovial giant cell tumor TGCT is a group of rare tumors that form in the joints. It's not cancer. Continue reading to learn more about TGCT…. Treatments for Hypertrophic Scars. Treatment Hypertrophic vs.

How are hypertrophic scars treated? Hypertrophic scars vs. Preventing hypertrophic scars. How to Fall Asleep in How to flatten a hypertrophic facial scar, 60, or Seconds.

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