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Despite its grand ambitions and ludicrously unrealistic story, the God of War series has always taken itself surprisingly seriously. And with serious fiction comes serious dialogue. At a time when video Fucking a traffic cone are still trying to be taken seriously as an art form, and especially as a medium for dramatic storytelling, Kratos god of war of War offers some profound quotes that often get right to the heart.

Whether they are philosophical, loving, inspirational, or haunting, the series has provided some of gaming's most iconic and oft-remembered lines. These are ten of the most memorable quotes from the God of War series. Kratos often refers to his son Atreus as "boy" father of the year right hereand he says it in an unemotional and threateningly deep voice.

Fans found this absolutely hilarious for some reason, and a meme was Kratos god of war. Of all the God of War quotes throughout the years, "boy" is probably the most memorable, even if it isn't the most thoughtful or sincere.

Such is what you get with the Internet. Now for something a little more serious. God of War concerns itself with the past and whether or not it's possible to move on from past transgressions. Athena certainly doesn't think so. After returning home to get the Blades of Chaos, Athena's spirit haunts Kratos, and she goads him about pretending to be something he is not—a father, a lover, and a good person. She proceeds to tell him that Kelly preston free nude video clips will always be a monster, to which Kratos agrees.

However, Beautiful naked black women also says that he will be Athena's monster no more. It's a wonderful thematic statement, and it perfectly showcases Kratos's Kratos god of war and development as a character. And here we see God of War embracing its inherent corniness. This is a far cry from the Kratos, and even the God of Warand this quote reeks of cheese.

This is certainly not Shakespeare, but it leaves an impression all the same. At the very least, it shows you how far video game writing has come throughout the years! It's amazing that such a cool and haunting line like this could come from the same game as the previous entry.

This line perfectly encapsulates Kratos' grief, frustration, and quest for vengeance, and it proves that old wounds never truly heal. It also helps portray Kratos as an unthinking killing machine who will do anything to pursue his quest for vengeance, bloodshed, and further violence. With this line, we all fell in love with Kratos, and we knew that gaming had its new antihero. What an introduction it was!

As if we Kratos god of war more assurance that Kratos was the baddest dude on the planet, he goes and says one of the most iconic lines of the series to the harpy: "Tell the God of War I am his no longer! Tell him he is not safe while I walk the Earth. It really doesn't get any cooler or more threatening than that. Of all the revenge stories and all the revenge-themed lines, this one is easily the most badass.

We watch as the absolutely massive Poseidon slowly rises, and when he stands tall, he dwarfs Kratos with his sheer size and might. To make the situation even Kratos god of war, he growls this iconic line Kratos god of war rising, complete with some spectacular sound design that makes his voice sound unnatural and unworldly.

We've fought some creepy things in the past, but Poseidon takes the cake. He accurately conveys the epic, almost Lovecraftian scope of the Gods, and he is now fondly remembered as one of the greatest boss fights of the series. This is iconic stuff. It sounds funny, and it is, but it's also a deft representation of the game's themes surrounding adulthood and maturation. It's time for Atreus to accomplish goals on his own without the help of Kratos, and Kratos pushes him in that direction.

It speaks to the time in our lives when we must strike out on our own and start doing things for ourselves without the guidance of our guardians. This is such a direct and simple line, but it says so much.

We're surprised that it's not a common adage! There's a lot of meaning packed behind these simple words. On the surface, Kratos speaks about Atreus' need to be better at what he attempts to do. But one could also interpret it as Kratos telling Atreus to be better than he was and avoid the pitfalls that he fell into.

It speaks a lot to the pain of growing up and of failing at Kratos god of war things we try. But that's just a part Kratos god of war the learning process.

Eventually, we will be better, and we will be better people because of it. When Atreus asks why they would fight something so threatening and imposing, Kratos simply answers, "Because you are afraid of it.

Kratos knows that there is no better way to get over fear than to face it head-on, and he relays this information to a hesitant Atreus to make him a stronger person.

Kratos may not say much, and he may be rather cold and distant, but no one can deny that he tries to be a good and influential father. With this line, we sympathized and connected with Kratos more than we ever had before. Everyone grieves in different ways, and while Atreus is more open and confrontational in his grief, Kratos is reserved and reverts into himself. This doesn't sit well with Atreus, as he interprets it as a lack of care.

It's a beautiful sentiment that sincerely speaks to the complexities of the grieving process, and it shows that Kratos Kratos god of war more than a mere killing machine. He too has intense feelings just like the rest of us, even if he's a little more hesitant in his expressions.

What this game did for the character of Kratos is simply unbelievable. Leave A Comment. Minecraft: Every Kratos god of war, Ranked. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans.

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