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October 10, 6 p. October 1 0, 8 p. October 1 4 ,3 p. W illiam o. Rieke A tribute from the campus co mmunity in celebration of the life o,f Will iam O. Dave Kohler, was hired for, among other things, his passionate commitment to s ustainability. Ad d re ss service requested. Patricia O'Connell Killen, professor of re l i g ion a n d a noted c a m p u s l e a d e r, addresses the c a m p us com m u n ity. She was a p pointed a c ting provost in May.

Killen r pbces James Pence, who is a. She has been actively involved w h i l e at PLU, i ncluding se rvice as faculty chair, rank and ten ure chair, co-director of the. In addition to K i l len's appointment, the university welcomed over 50 new. He is no stranger to PLU.

He was an assistant professor o f business here from Wharton Otties first long dick vid of Business. Tu rner's initial p rior it ies will include overseeing the implementation of the n ew. The new MBA c u rriculum features three areas of emp hasis: technology and i nnovation management; health care management; and, entrepreneurship and closely held busi ness.

Knutson Lecture on Sept. M ar ty will address one of the three greatest power shifts i n aU of C hristian h istory - the rapid growth of Ch ristianity i n Asia, Latin America and Africa. Marty has taught at the University of Chicago sinceand is the authol- of more than 50 books and 5, articles on the history of Christianity. He is also an ordained min ister i n the Evangelical Lutheran Church i n America. Rieke and Otties first long dick vid stories from this quarter's Scene magazine at Scene Online.

Cady, who taught writing at PLU fro m 19 84 to 1died o f cancer i n receive p restigious January The collection, given by his wife, writer Carol Orlock, will be Fulbright awards housed in Morrvedt Library on campus.

Memoi rist, Dana LaCuran '06 recently poet and essayist S tephen Kuusisto, received Fulbright scholarships for study whose best-selling memoir " Planet of overseas this fall. Retired professor Rodney Swenson coordinates the program turing characters h aunted by the ghosts of h istory and environment.

He received through PLU's Wang Center for International Programs, hel ping students nu merous literary h o nors fo r his work, tailor their applications and Otties first long dick vid which includes "Ghosts of Yesteryear," questions.

G i fts may be writer Jack Cady, one of the made to the fu Otties first long dick vid through the Office of Northwest's most disti nguished, were presented to PLU this spri ng.

Developmen t. A new posi tion, construction projects manager, was created to handle the large number of proJects. The building was also updated to com p ly with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The renovatjon o f the UC should be complete by AugustKaniss said. D i ni ng Services, m eeting rooms and offices, and bu i lding systems will all see improvement, he added. An overhau l of Easrvol. The gold-level rating has been achieved by only a handful of projects in the state of Washingran, and PLU is Wash Otties first long dick vid first independem college with a LEED gold building.

Design fearures that conrribured ra the gol d rat i ng i nclude the fact that virrually every room in the building both i n terior and exterior - has access ra narurallighr.

More i mporrant is the Morken Cemer's cu tring-edge geothermal heat-pump system that regulates the building's temperature without the use of fossil fuels. To Jearn more abour the b u ilding'S sustainable fearures, go ra www. Kluth and his wife, Pam Bach Kluth ' Lee then. Lee Kluth '69 became direcrar of congregation relations July 1.

Kristen stewart and emma watson boobs have a Otties first long dick vid passion and enrh usiasm fo r telling the PLU srary to longtime. The Klu ths have fo ur adult children. Comacr Lee Otties first long dick vid at or. As a warm-up for an i n terview, i n a k i nd of playful Otties first long dick vid piri t, I was asked last week co write a poem that contained my name.

It wasn't deadly serious; it wasn't meant co be the road not takeIl or beasts slouching toward Bethlehe m. Still, when I saw the request, I groaned a little. I'm not Illuch of a poet.

My husband su ggested, only half-kidding, that I ask. But when I thought about my name, before I even considered what amusing l ittle edifice I might construct around it, it was Joanna I heard. She wasn't calling me, Otties first long dick vid, nothing.

There was JUSt the soft men tal echo of my name as she used co say it, her accent i n m y ear. A murmur ac ross a void of years. She's standing by the desk inside the double doors of.

Sores will open up from i nside of her mouth right through to her intestines. She won't eat for weeks. There'll be. She looks up, her dark eyes huge, and some. I bend down to shake her hand. I'm going to be your nurse. She wasn't smiling. What [ felt: a shadow. He's blonde, with spikes of hair sticking up every which way, and the.

She was herself a believer in the Virgin. She fregue. Rieke lived a remarkable life. Seventy-four years so rich and ful l [hat his rime can nor be adequately captured in a few words or with a few phorographs. Here we oHcr only a brief glimpse of [he man and his rime, a glimpse [hat surely sparks our memories of one who fully engaged [he world [Wice, leaving i[ changed for [he be[[er each rime. I n 1 ' 7Bill, Joanne and E1l11 ily were living in Kansas.

Bill was in. Fi[[ing, I believe, because i[ was right here in [his place, and on [his campus, and by [he PLU facul ry, [hat Bill was educated for. I[ is truly an amazing record, a resume of pride for all Lures. Also in 1PLU was searching for a new presidem. Bill Rieke. Here, he and Joanne would live our [heir vocation and, in [he process, become a living represema[ion of [he mission we claim. As we remember and celebrate Bil l's remarkable jou rney on [his eanh, we will have missed [he larges[ message of Otties first long dick vid life if Otties first long dick vid do nO[.

Bill Ricke did nor choose PLU. Bur, in [he final analysis, [he vocation-led life promises us a sense of fulfi llmem, knowing [hat we have done our best [ live a life of. It was a decision of [he hean as well as [he head, of faith as well as reason, and [he calculus of success Otties first long dick vid most often drives our world has diHicul[ ' understanding such choices, because [he world cannor accoum for God's presence in our lives a[ such. The gift was in recognition of V?

Rieke's leadership, both. So [he Rieke years began a[ PLU. PLU had become a u niversity in 1only 1 5 years earlier, so when Bill and Joanne arrived [he. Searched antimicrobial peptide; lound on rhf! Who: Assistant Chemistry Prole,sor f3au1! Who: Assis! The "Can the Can" idea, as the campaign is called, has been with Kohler for quite some time. He doesn't have a trash can Otties first long dick vid his office, and doesn't see why anyone else needs one, either.

A small, one-liter black can sits unobtrusively on the corner Otties first long dick vid his desk. In it go apple cores and other organic material awaiting deposit in the compost bin down the hall from his office. He drops other recyclables in the nearest bin on his way i n and out of the office duri ng the day. What litrie PLU can't recycle - candy bar wrappers, for i nstance, which he sheepishly admits to generating too many of - can easily be taken to the nearest trash can.

Barb M c Co n athy washes trash compac tor bags, which are re-used three to four Otties first long dick vid. Stude nts u n l o a d a truckload of cardb oard they collec ted from around c a m p us. Student Rogelio Guzman loads flatte ned cardboard i nto the baling m a c h i n e. Instead of marginalizing the environment, I thi. The term "sustainabiliry" has become a b uzzword over the past five years. Otties first long dick vid moving towards a more sustainable soc.

When is i t that you're willing co say it doesn't really cost that much more co have a cleaner l i fe, and isn't that what I would really like to leave for my children?

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