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David Hamilton, the British photographer whose diaphanous images of prepubescent girls blurred the line between art and pornography, was found dead Naked nude david hamilton girls Friday in his Paris apartment, one week after a former model accused him of raping her in when she was The police said that the cause appeared to be suicide but their investigation was continuing.

Hamilton directed five erotic movies that largely centered on blossoming sexuality in flower-crowned girls. The nudity prompted a number of prosecutions against book Naked nude david hamilton girls on charges of possession of child pornography, though Naked nude david hamilton girls most cases the charges were dropped or the verdicts overturned.

There were also bans and boycotts of Mr. His critics said his photographs flagrantly objectified young women. Afraid of being sued, she said, she did not name Mr. After the book was published, two other former models anonymously told a weekly magazine that they, too, had been raped by Mr.

On Nov. Flament said she was contacted by several former models who made similar allegations, Naked nude david hamilton girls identified Mr.

Hamilton by name. Under French law, a woman cannot file rape charges more than 20 years after reaching the age of Flament said she was so traumatized by the episode that the memories of it returned only about four years ago, when she was In response, Mr. This oversteps the presumption of innocence. I am innocent and must be considered so. The instigator of this media lynching is seeking her quarter of an hour of fame through slander. Flament and a criminal lawyer to explore whether the statute of limitations for juvenile rape should be extended.

Hamilton appeared Naked nude david hamilton girls the door naked, wearing only a camera around his neck. Hamilton was born on April 15,in London. Afterward he worked for an architect. He soon began a series of moves back and forth across the English Channel: working as a graphic designer for Elle magazine in Paris, returning to London to be art director of Queen magazine — and there buying his first camera — then returning to France to be art director for the Printemps department store.

It was in France that Mr. Hamilton, who had no formal training in the field, began photographing commercially. His marriage to Gertrude Hamilton, who helped design one of his books, ended in divorce. They had no children. He divided his time between St. Tropez and Paris, where he lived in the Montparnasse district. Log In. He was

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