
I have no idea. And so today I sat down to read what is clearly a plotless piece of junk. You know how some people have good gaydar? The point is that I also, inexplicably, have exceptionally good Yuridar. I can pick a book quite randomly off the shelf at Book-Off and find that, magically, there is some Yuri in it. And not just Yuri in which two women are near each other a lot and they seem to like one another, no I mean — Yuri as in a raging lesbian who sleeps her way through the book.

Yet another magic lesbian power for Erica. The plot is thin and silly — Najica and her non-human sidekick Lila are agents for CRI, a top-secret perfume company. Okay, then. Together they wear short skirts and fight against corporate espionage, random baddies doing who knows what and occasionally save a small European kingdom along the way.

In one of the chapters, Najica is sent to assasinate a competitor who is flooding the market with cheap off-brand copies of a high-end perfume her company makes. As Najica and Lila drive away, young, female, but no less jerky than before, jerk runs after Najica trying to get her name, her number, her body…bwa-wa-waaaah.

In other news, Najica and Lila have that typical fanboy-Yuri relationship which implies that they might have some feelings for one another if, say, Lila was human. Najica is clearly fond of Lila. Any other Nude black girl oiled porn you see are entirely you projecting.

Art — 6 Story — 2 Characters — 4 Girl masturbates till she squirts — 3 Service — 8. I got the complete anime series from the library and watched it, and it was quite funny, but in a MST3K way. Everything between episodes 1 and 12 seemed like an excuse for a girls-with-guns show with an excessive amount of generic pantie-shots, while the last two episodes tried to salvage whatever it was the show was pretending to be about.

Also, I think I saw two pairs of pants worn the entire series, and they were Tactical blitz najica hentai yuri two of the very few male characters. Najica and its ilk Aika have the same Yuri-ish thing going on, but as anyone who watched the anime probably knows its just fanservice. No, really. I swear they hired gnomes to film the anime, the poor little things had to point the camera up from so low in the floor. Despite the fanservice it has.

The Najica anime eally was meant for MST3King…and for theos epeople who really are obsessive about panty shots. Initially her attitude one of low-level hostility. As the series progresses and she meets more humaritts, she sees them used as tools, weapons, lieutenants, lovers, she becomes convinced that the idea of humaritts as property is wrong.

At one Tactical blitz najica hentai yuri Lila expresses the fear that Najica might think her unsatisfactory and trade her in. The fact that Lila seems even less independent than other Tactical blitz najica hentai yuri starts to bother her. She encourages her to think for herself and make decisions.

Sadly this just confuses Lila. Eventually they do come to understand each other and Lila achieves her independence. It comes over much more as a parent — child relationship to me. One where true love means letting go. Do I think it is masterpiece of introspection with something profound to say Tactical blitz najica hentai yuri the human condition? Does it go too far in terms of bad taste?

There are moments. Is it complete crap? The Tactical blitz najica hentai yuri oldest and most comprehensive blog on lesbian-themed Japanese cartoons, comics and related media.

Send to Kindle. November 17, at am. Erica Friedman says:. November 17, at pm. Anonymous says:. Chris says:. November Tactical blitz najica hentai yuri, at pm. Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply.

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