
2 thought on “What size breasts do men like

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DESPITE breasts being relatively common place in the world, with around half the population sporting a pair, they are often a controversial topic. Ranging from whether you want a mountain or a molehill or if you can your fill What size breasts do men like a handful, it seems the world is divided. The source of debate, arguments and even the occasional break-up, it is time we put the discussion to bed once and for all. A new survey of men and women has finally revealed the ideal breast size and the perfect cup size may surprise you.

The study, which was carried out by Dr Ed, polled 1, Americans and 1, Europeans to find what both men and women thought was the perfect breast size. While more than 9 percent of women and 11 percent of men Inflatable obstacle courses for adults a smaller breast was more attractive.

This suits nicely with the figures as the average breast size across Europe and the U. Britons were at the bottom of both graphs as they believed the average length of a member to be 4. While the people of Poland topped the chart as they had the highest expectation for both average and ideal size, answering 6.

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