
This could be your chance to break into porn or simply fuck me! I get so much mail about what you want to do, what you can do, what you would do so here Contest to fuck a pornstar the put up or shut up moment.

I'm looking for hot cocks and cunts that have what it takes. I am one of the only girls on the internet offering this to my fans. Incomplete or incorrect packets will be promptly deleted. Good luck and in the interim keep yanking your crank and rubbing one out to me! You're local health department, personal physician or test from your insurance company will not suffice. Don't ask. Also this test must be less than two weeks old from the time we are shooting Contest to fuck a pornstar don't take it until I tell you too.

Sign a model release for the scene to appear on my site. If you are a U. Senator, don't worry, I will let you wear a mask. Sorry but this is the epicenter of the action and where my production crews are located so no other cities will be considered.

Incur production expenses associated with the shoot such as camera man, make-up, location, etc. It's not a Dreamworks Production so it won't break you. However, if you are in college you may want to hit up your parents or Contest to fuck a pornstar back after you graduate.

A clear, clothed waist up shot. Unless it's deformed I don't need to see your cock. A brief paragraph explaining why you should be the winner. If you feel you can meet the above requirements, please email me the following information: Your members' area User Name, Age, Location, Occupation and Telephone Number along with best time to call to vannah vannahsterling. This contest is open to men, women and couples. Customer Service Webmaster 18 U.

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