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Star Wars is pretty awesome. The series has spawned some of pop culture's most enduring phrases and intriguing characters. Collect them all! We're Star Wars fans, but we're not fanatics. We like the movies and think the characters are cool, but you probably won't find us at any one of the hundreds yes, hundreds! The designer 8GB USB flash drives feature officially-licensed, cartoonized versions of your favorite characters.

A small light on the back of their feet lights up when connected to a computer. Every item is included in both PC and Mac formats. Here's the Star wars mimobot thumb drives of what is included on your Star Wars Mimobot Flash Drive keep in mind that the exact content may vary from drive-to-drive depending on the character you've chosen :. Over a dozen Star Wars desktop wallpapers are included on every flash drive. A variety of Star Wars avatars are pre-loaded on each flash drive.

You just never know when you're going to need to transfer some pictures, videos, or grab your friend's stellar collection of Kelly Clarkson desktop wallpapers. That's why the optional keychain hoodie is so handy. Please note that the keychain hoodies are now only available in black. Answer: Yes. If your computer has USB ports, you're good to go.

If you have USB 2. However, it is still compatible with any USB port. Question: What if I don't want the digital goodies that come with the drive? Answer: You can easily delete those Star wars mimobot thumb drives if you don't want them. Answer: Only Han Solo comes with a carrying case. In his case, it's Carbonite! Otherwise, the Keychain Case must be ordered separately. Question: How do I request a particular style of Stormtrooper?

Answer: Sorry, but that's not possible. We don't even know if it's Luke or Han pulling off the Stormtrooper masquerade. It's essentially a toss-up as to which one you'll get. Hey, that's half the fun! Maybe Star wars mimobot thumb drives could hang. Answer: We love Star Wars. We're just not in love with Star Wars. This product is no longer available for purchase directly from Vat Therefore, we are no longer accepting new burning questions at this time.

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Notes on this video - Keychain cases are now sold separately and not included with each flash drive as Star wars mimobot thumb drives in the video. Love our videos? Please subscribe to our YouTube channel:. Each drive comes pre-loaded with digital goodness Each Star Wars USB Flash Drive comes preloaded with digital goodies which you can delete from the drive if you don't want them.

Here's Star wars mimobot thumb drives breakdown of what is included on your Star Wars Mimobot Flash Drive keep in mind that the exact content Star wars mimobot thumb drives vary from drive-to-drive depending on the character you've Star wars mimobot thumb drives : Wallpapers - Adorn your desktop with over a dozen Star Wars-themed wallpapers.

They're included in a variety of screen sizes ranging from x up to x There are twenty to choose from. Icons - The same set of avatars are also included in a larger format to be used as icons for folders, hard drives, and yes, of course, your new Star Wars USB Flash Drive! Screensaver - Remember the days when people flaunted their screensavers as if they were the ultimate status symbol?

Flying Toasters, anyone? Audio - Each Star Wars USB flash drive pictured below includes a small piece of software that allows it to play a short sound clip when the drive is inserted or ejected from Statue of liberty tits computer.

Keep your storage handy with the optional keychain hoodies You just never know when you're going to need to transfer some pictures, videos, or grab your friend's stellar collection of Kelly Clarkson Star wars mimobot thumb drives wallpapers.

Question: Does it come with a carrying case? Where can I buy this awesomeness? Please excuse the shameless cross promotions! Paint Retouching Pens Quick, easy, and accurate touch-ups of any painted surface.

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