
3 thought on “Wife doest initiate sex

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We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. I love my husband and he loves me so much. We have a wonderful and caring marriage. We hug and kiss and don't care about showing our love to the world. Over the last year or so my husbands sex drive as been super low.

To the point where if he doesn't initiate sex, we don't have sex more than once every weeks unless I initiate it. He loves sex, and it's very easy for me to turn him on and get things going, the problem is is that I'm getting tired of being the only one to initiate Wife doest initiate sex. He tells me he thinks I'm beautiful and sexy all the time, but sexually I feel undesired and like he no Wife doest initiate sex finds me attractive to the Wife doest initiate sex of wanting to have sex with me.

I have mentioned this to him countless times, and in our conversations we both cry, he apologizes and reaffirms his love and affection for me. He promises to be better because he claims he wants sex. He's just tired, or doesn't think of it, or something. The thing is, we have had this conversation so many times and nothing has changed.

I continue to feel this way, and slowly I've stopped even bringing it up because I'm tired of getting my hopes up just to be disappointed again. To make things worse, I have this stupid idea in my head that if a guy really wants sex, he'll initiate it. This has led me to stop Wife doest initiate sex altogether, in the hopes that he'll be overcome with desire for me. But it still rarely happens, Ebony bigass in panties once or twice a month.

It's also always Wife doest initiate sex a Saturday or Sunday, when he's had a night off from work and can find the energy to have sex I guess.

To make things worse, it's hard not to take this personally. Even if he somehow got a libido problem in the last year, the thought of Wife doest initiate sex needing help to initiate sex with me just hurts. I just want him to want me. I guess I'm writing in this group because I want another opinion or perspective on what I should do. I don't want to Wife doest initiate sex to people I know because he is such an amazing man and I don't want people knowing what's not going on in the bedroom.

First, he should make sure it's not something medically wrong, low testosterone or something else going on. He needs to address Wife doest initiate sex with a doctor. Are you pregnant? Some men don't enjoy sex with a pregnant woman, they get too worried about the baby, or its just not sexy to them. Could also be something like a porn addiction or cheating so if nothing else makes sense if research those options. I assume by posting on an online forum she is looking for advice from those who have experienced similar situations, and that is exactly what I gave her.

My SO did not have any of the signs that you mentioned, but did exhibit all of the behaviors she mentioned and it ended up being a porn addiction. Again, not saying that's what this is, but simply sharing my experience having Wife doest initiate sex in a very similar situation, so that she may look for things she hasn't necessarily considered possibilities before.

Had she said he's distant, unwilling to be intimate, staying out late or frequently holed up in a room with deleted internet history, hoarding his phone, etc, yes your suggestion is plausible. But with everything she said I think your comment about infidelity and porn addiction was incredibly far fetched and frankly not very thoughtful.

I was simply stating all of the possibilities that could be causing a problem. I did not say that that is what's causing this, and in fact said the other things were more likely, but it is true that this can be a symptom of those things and wanted to give OP Wife doest initiate sex most thorough answer possible. Given what she has described I think it's awful for you to tell her to look into the possibility he is cheating or addicted to porn.

That was a really off putting response. I think this is all a matter of you shifting perspective. I think you should take a step back and reevaluate why it's so important for you for him to be the "agressor. If he doesn't reject you when you do initiate, I don't think there's any sort of problem as someone else suggested. I Wife doest initiate sex if you have a wonderful marriage otherwise, and this is such a small thing that you'll be fine. I'm in a similar relationship with my BF but he shows me in so many other ways that he loves me, that I don't mind being the sexually aggressive one in the relationship :.

My husband doesn't initiate sex either. Asian anal sex porn struggled with it for a long time. I gave up. I have just accepted the fact that I will be the one initiating sex in our marriage.

It's not how I prefer it but it's what I get. I look back at our dating years and realize I was the initiator then as well. I think you should try to get over the barrier where you feel initiation Wife doest initiate sex so important and just initiate whenever you are in the mood and maybe that will help with the frequency?

It's not about tradition. It's about wanting to feel wanted. Wanting to know her husband wants her and has to have her now kind of thing. She wants her husband to want to have sex with her, I think it's a very Normal thing to want in a relationship at one point or another. OP I don't have much advice except to talk to your SO again.

It could be low testosterone and that has nothing to do with you. It could be a med he's taking? Is he feeling self conscious about himself? Or it could just be his personality. What was he like in the beginning? Has your sex life always revolved around you initiating it? I myself haven't read the Wife doest initiate sex the five love languages, but heard good things about it. Might give Wife doest initiate sex a shot with your SO.

Maybe he likes it when you initiate so he lets you take control? Idk there are a lot of different explanations but I'm guessing they don't involve him not being attracted to you. I am in a very similar situation currently so I understand how Sissy cum in my mouth feel.

Let me tell you that guys are very mental, so if they are under a lot of stress, always tired, under constant pressure from the female they will be less likely to be Wife doest initiate sex the mood for sex. My sex life has been struggling since July of My boyfriend entered a firefighter academy, and has been on probation ever since. I also found out I Wife doest initiate sex pregnant that same month so pregnancy and a child has also thrown a wrench into things. Just the stress alone has him not interested in sex, but throw in fatigue and the pressure of studying and also care for a child, there goes his libido.

Your feelings are important, but the constant reminder from you will leave him feeling inadequate as a man. Have you always been the initiator? If not, trust what he says and just take one for the team. You may find that just without the constant reminders from you, you may eventually see him come around again.

He may not be initiating it, but it sounds like he reciprocates once things get going. Try to find reassurance in Wife doest initiate sex that alone. He told me he would like me to initiate it more, and I do at least once a week make sure that I initiate sex and make time for him.

You have every right to feel this way, just as Ab dick plate processor husband does! This is such a great thread. I love that so many women are acknowledging that men have Wife doest initiate sex sex drives, just like Wife doest initiate sex. I would certainly get his testosterone levels checked.

Exhaustion and low sex drive are 2 signs of low T. Just something to think about If that looks good then I would say he is obviously in love with and attracted to you. Keep initiating! The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff.

This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy.

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