
Pear tree. Clark, IPM Program California grown asian pear were originally introduced to the east coast of the United States by English and French settlers, and commercial production began in the early s Elkins et al. Pears were brought to California in during the Gold Rush Calpear website, The majority of domestic pear production occurs along the west coast in Washington, Oregon and California.

The two most common types of commercial pears are European pears Pyrus communis and Asian pears Pyrus pyrifolianamed according to their area of origin. In California, Bartlett is the most commonly cultivated cultivar because it is better suited to hot climates Elkins et al.

Bosc and Anjou cultivars dominate Oregon and Washington production, as they are better suited to grow California grown asian pear cooler climates. USDA Bartlett pears can set fruit with pollination or California grown asian pear vegetative parthenocarpy, without differences in fruit yield.

Bartletts commonly set fruit parthenocarpically in California Reil To ensure some fruit set via outcrossing, and enhance fruit set in a parthenocarpic orchard, bees can be used to optimize fruit yield. Some California pear growers plant pollinizer trees to maximize outcrossing, with bee hives placed nearby prior to bloom and extending throughout the bloom period Reil Outcrossed trees have a tendency California grown asian pear alternate bear, while parthenocarpic tree yields are relatively consistent across years Elkins, Van Den Ende and Beutel Pears grow best in well-drained clay loam soils that retain moisture.

Slightly acidic to neutral pH is preferred for pear growth, while alkaline soils can result in tree yellowing and iron chlorosis Reil Irrigation is especially important in June when the fruit are increasing in size. The amount of irrigation water applied can be decreased in the fall in drought years Elkins et al.

European pear cultivars commonly grown in California are better suited to the warm climate in California, warm summer temperatures are necessary for proper fruit maturation. Without warm temperatures during the six to eight weeks prior to harvest, pears will not attain optimum shipping quality Elkins et al.

Additionally, pear trees in Sacramento, Lake and Mendocino counties primary growing regions have a greater survival rate if located near cool water because it decreases the incidence of fire blight, frost, freeze and drought Elkins et al. All commercial orchards harvest pear fruit prior to ripening.

Fruit mature on the tree until they reach a minimum firmness and sugar content required for harvest. Pears are harvested early because they are climacteric fruit temperature and both external and internal Mom and son porn captions concentrations affect ripening and ripen rapidly after reaching California grown asian pear climacteric peak.

Additionally, pears do not achieve optimal flavor when ripened on the tree Mitcham and Mitchell Top of page. Pear in California. Clark, IPM Program.

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