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However, throughout the centuries saints, bishops, and popes in the Church have given her a whole litany of names, as can be seen in the traditional Litany of Loreto. These names are typically self-explanatory and generally make sense. For example, why is Mary being compared to a tower? Or a fleece? The first mention of this title comes from the Song of Solomon, where God is depicted as a lover who is describing the beauty of his beloved.

Secondly, King David built a tower in Titles of the blessed virgin mary city of Jerusalem to protect the people from the assaults of the enemy. Mary is a protective mother and she will do anything she has to to defend her spiritual children. She is a strong fortification, a place of refuge during the war for our soul.

The title encourages us to draw close to her for protection and to see in her the image of the perfect bride of Christ. She does not shine for herself, or from herself, but she is the reflection of her and our Redeemer, and she glorifies Him. When she appears Titles of the blessed virgin mary the darkness, we know that He is close at hand.

Behold He comes quickly, and His reward is with Him, to render to everyone according to his works. Come, Lord Jesus. He took this curious appellation for the gentle, sweet maiden of Nazareth from the Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We are then reminded that Mary is our protector from heresy and leads us to the truth.

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Titles of the blessed virgin mary choice. Toggle navigation. Tuesday 26 November Saint Sylvester Gozzolini. Daniel Esparza. Philip Titles of the blessed virgin mary. JoseMDelaa CC. Philip Kosloski May 02, These names for Mary are not what you would normally call your Mother.

Tower of David The first mention of this title comes from the Song of Solomon, where God is depicted as a lover who is describing the beauty of his beloved. Tower of ivory. Since you are here….

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