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Men just like getting laid, huh? If you believe that, you may want to think again! They want good, exciting, and awesome Desi new aunty boob just like we do. It's not just up to the man to make it happen. Ladies, you too can become the type woman your man loves to take to bed again and again.

With just a few simple tricks, you can become the seductress that you always wanted to become! Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Women do want sex account.

Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. My bed has only one use. For sleeping. It probably hasn't been Women do want sex Woman in the room for years.

Men and women both get shy or just not in touch with their own sensuality. Men are visual. The look in your eye like you could tear into them. The Women do want sex you talk. The way you roll you tongue before each and every act needs to be seductive and sensual.

The way you hold that person and move your hands and the sounds you make while you have an orgasm and the way you look plays a big part. And has the potential to burn into a mans mind Women do want sex time. How well do I know. Men or women crave affection and the heat.

Nobody wants to kiss an ice box. Or see one. Saw a paperback in a bookshop titled 'Sex for over forties' and it only contains blank pages! I agree with this list. It pretty much covers sexuality that a man seeks from a woman. Spot on your there.

Now where is this girl. Been with women in their 40's down to my age bracket and I'd say this list is accurate. Always take in to consideration her point of view but, dominate sometimes always taking you from the top is boring and whether she's in her 20's or 40's, heavy or petite I like to explore touch and kiss everything while taking my time. A quickie on your lunch break, before work, or "hurry up before your mom gets back" is great too.

Nowadays I ended up at "damn their finally asleep" but it all depends on you and your partner. Either way this list is really dead on ladies. I Women do want sex believe sex was what bonds a marriage but love and trust!

Now getting older I didn't but now believe sex is very important to make u feel good and desired and connect! I would love to Women do want sex be sexy but fear he would laugh so never have however he thinks I have a great body and just want to get my kit off but I would love the build up to that even though I appreciate what's he said I'm 44 so in my prime his nearly 50 and Women do want sex think his gone past what I feel now which is a shame but a little more would be nice.

Whilst serving in the army Far East land forces i was sitting in a Singapore bar when approached by a Chinese hostess offering her services at a price in a back room.

She asked what you like? I responded just a cuddle as i was fearful of venereal disease we were warned of. She asked me if i knew judo or karate and i said know but do you know kung fu? She no, she couldn't fight at all and i said lets have a bit of a wrestle then. She responded by putting Women do want sex arm in a vice like hold before tossing me off the bed flat on the floor. Very modest these gals they are! I forgot to mention its not one time incidence. We meet each other in every 1 or 2 month.

And the same thing happen always. I dont know what should i say, Big tits cumshot girl the man i love,most of the time he autometically turn on when he see me. He starts to come closer or kisses me i give him deep kiss and after forply he have premature orgasm.

Its more than a year now. I always find it nice to catch him off guard, for instance if ur out with friends and he decides to go to the restroom Its pretty exciting thinking u might get caught! I think this is excellent and I also believe that the man should consider a women's emotional state when it comes to sexual interactions.

Very, very interesting from a woman's point of view. I'll keep some of them in mind I'm still kind of shy so it takes a while for me to open up. Great hub all around. Fantastic, a woman who will tell it like it is. Love that, you are very bright and intelligent. Making love to you must be like being in heaven. Its good to hear a woman tell the truth Women do want sex sex.

Too many years of being in the closet and women finally admit that yeah, we love sex too, just be good to us. Your a greattruthful, female, and would love to find a girl like you. Why are you soo mean? You nailed it in this posting! Accurate to the very end. Unfortunately for me, I haven't found a woman like the one suggested in this posting.

Great Hub Nicole! I really enjoy your writings and POV. Not every guy wants you to channel your inner truck driver. If you are being yourself 7then you shouldn't Trippy psychedelic body art hot to try becoming someone else. Most of what you have listed are good tips.

He may have a grocery list of things he'd like; that doesn't mean she needs to perform on spec. In my marriage I was the more Women do want sex one. I didn't try pressuring him to do things he didn't want to try. I didn't make him feel less than a man by suggesting he perform more or more often.

Proofread your post. You have at least one typo. You also confuse your and you're. Each time you use 'your' read it out loud saying 'you are' instead. If it works with 'you are' then it should be 'you're'. I am proud to say i do all of these. Seems i have more a drive than my man at times though! Great Hub! Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners.

HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others. HubPages Inc, a part of Maven Inc. As a user in the EEA, your approval is Women do want sex on a few things. To provide a better website experience, pairedlife. Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so.

Men Like It Hot Too! Guys and girls are different and sometimes guys need to hear what you want. It's Women do want sex to shout out loud, "Hey, put your tongue on this! Channel your inner truck driver.

While your telling him what you want him to do and Women do want sex to do it, get filthy with your language. Men love it. I do not intend on discussing this one further as my mom may read this article. Guys like to watch.

Girls like to watch. Don't be shy. Rub him everywhere else too. A back rub is a nice touch and shows you care more about just getting him off.

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