
Ranting about " tall girl problems " or " short 6 foot tall women nude problems " is nothing new. But women who whine about their height are usually 6 feet tall, tops. The five-part serieswhich premiered Tuesday night, follows four women who stand at 6-foot-6 and taller. There's Colleen, a 6-foot-6 former pro volleyball player, Haleigh, a current pro who stands at 6-foot-7, Nancy, a high schooler who's 6-foot-9, and Lindsay, an actress who's also 6-foot Though they all have their individual struggles, whether it's plane travel or "hacking" their kitchen, one thing they all deal with is dating.

They say it's hard to find a guy who's not intimidated by their stature, but they're not letting it get them down. Colleen says she's ready to "use her height as an asset instead of as a liability," while Nancy deals with getting a guy to ask her to prom — and then finding a dress that's the right length. Lindsay took the time to address a few critics after the first episode aired and showed how tough it can be to maintain a relationship when you're physically outside of 6 foot tall women nude norm.

How wld u feel having a relationship end simply bc ur partner can't handle the social insecurities projected onto you by complete strangers? How wld u feel having multiple men cheat on you over the years bc they missed holding a "normal-sized" woman?

6 foot tall women nude really want to know!! But there's one silver lining to it all. Haleigh is shown getting engaged to her now-husband, who is 5-foot-8 and says the disparity comes with "various personal challenges. Follow Megan on Twitter. Type keyword s to search. Today's Top Stories. View this post on Instagram. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below.

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